
Showing posts from March, 2020

Simple future (Will)

Simple future (Will) The  simple future  is a verb tense that's  used  to talk about things that haven't happened yet. This year, Jen will read War and Peace. It will be hard, but she's determined to do it.  Use  the  simple future  to talk about an action or condition that will begin and end in the  future . Instructions: 1.-Watch the two videos:  Will 1  -  Will 2 2.- Make 10 sentences with "will". 3.-Listen to the next two songs. Write in the comments the sentences where "will" appears.      She will be loved  -   It will rain 4.-Play   Kahoot ! 1 -    kahoot ! 2 With love: your teacher <3 Have a nice day!

Going to

We  use going to  when we have the intention  to  do something before we speak. We have already made a decision before speaking. Look at these examples: Jo has won the lottery. He says he's  going to  buy a Porsche. We're not  going to  paint our bedroom tomorrow. When are you  going to go  on holiday? Instructions: 1.-Watch the two videos:  Be going to  -  going to 2.- Make 15 sentences with going to. 3.-Write about your plans in these vacations with 60-80 word. 4.-Play   Kahoot ! 1 -    kahoot! 2 Have a nice day!

Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs A phrasal verb is a verb combined with a preposition or adverb (or both) that means something different from each of the words that make up the verb. There are two types of phrasal verbs. Separable phrasal verbs can be broken up by other words, while inseparable phrasal verbs cannot be separated by other words.   instructions : 1.-Watch the next two videos:  1.-  Phrasal Verbs                                                   2.-  Separable and inseparable phrasal verbs 2.-Make a summary about the videos with approximately 50 words. ( send it here like a commentary ) 3.- Answer this  (quiz)  You will have today to answer.  Have an excellent day guys!

Are you into reality shows?

Reality shows are  television   programme s  about  ordinary   people  who are  filmed  in  real   situations. Instructions:        1.- Anwer this  Quiz!          2.- Make a story about you in a reality show with 70-100 words.        Make use of such, passive voice and phrasal verbs.  Please send it here like a commentary.      3 .-At 1:40 we'll play Kahoot. it's important to refresh this page at that hour so you can see the NIP. (you have to have: computer, cellphone and internet )                KAhoots !!    Very important to enter your full name.

Adjectives -ed and -ing

Adjectives that end in  -ed  generally describe emotions – they tell us how people feel. I was so bored in that lesson, I almost fell asleep. Adjectives that end in  -ing  generally describe the thing that causes the emotion – a boring lesson makes you feel bored. Have you seen that film? It's really frightening. Instructions:  1.-Watch the next two videos:  - ed and -ing adjectives                                                                                          + adjectives -ed and -ing  2.-Search for more information. 3.- Answer this  (quiz ), you have the whole day.