Watch the next Videos I - Video E on comments tell me about your IKIGAI.

Who are you in a Team?

 Watch the next video, after you watch write in comments about what kind of team member you are and why.

These are the Kahoot scores

Jaime +1S

Adrea + 1S
Jorge + 1S
Jaime + 1S

Andre +1S
Jorge +1S
Isaac + 1S
Lucero + 1S


No Fs

Jorge +1S
Lucer +1S

Place                                             Student                         Grade                                  Total signatures:

First                                              Jorge                                    2                                      3 signatures
Second                                         Jaime                                    4                                      2 signatures
Second                                         Andrea                                  2                                      2 signatures
Second                                         Lucero                                  2                                      2 signatures
Third                                             Isaac                                    2                                      1 signatures

Congratulations Guys!!

By the way, how's Yo he also won a signature.

Homework transfer your works from the comments to your notebooks.

Enjoy your vacations!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. iki-life kai-reason is few words is the meaning of life he is said to have better health Ikiga! is one of the main reasons for the impressive Japanese life expectancy TEAM kevin: is the partner who remains silent and does not think anything Mauricio: he is a colleague who spends his time talking about other issues that have no logic karla: the girl who provides interesting ideas keyla: the girl who contributes ideas and puts to work and squeeze her ideas from others no matter what bothers them, and I identify more with keyla I am demanding and sometimes bossy but I always see by my qualifications


  3. the reason for being or the reason for living, is what ikigai means, my reason for living is to be someone great in the world of commerce or in the name of my family, someone recognized, to have my family living well, that would be my ikigai, and to achieve this, I will have to try too hard working and exercising more careers to do a lot of business.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ikiga! It is related to people since it is like the reason of life to motivate us to continue doing something, for example, carry out activities and keep improving in them.

  6. hi teacher Fernando, this is my homework.
    * i'm good at it: Yes, i'm good and o love it.
    *i love what i do: of course
    *The world the need: Of course, who the hell needs music.
    * I get well paid: Yes.


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